Here at HHPC, we value opportunities where members can serve together, bringing about renewal while building community. The first place to serve is volunteering to support the ministries of HHPC, including nursery workers, children’s programs, caring for people and families in need, visiting homebound members, etc. The opportunities to serve both as individuals and as part of a Group are plentiful. The second place we serve together is through our Ministry Partners. We encourage all members and especially all Groups, to get involved with one or more of our Ministry Partners.


HHPC’s members have many talents that can be used for the Kingdom, and we make available opportunities for members to discern their specific spiritual gifts.  In addition, HHPC has an intentional leadership development ministry that trains members to use their gifts as Elders, Deacons, and Woman Shepherds as well trains members to use their gifts as leaders of Groups.  Further, HHPC encourages members to serve as mentors for younger believers and/or for high school students.  Finally, HHPC’s Shepherding Ministry has Teams that serve members in particular ways (e.g., those adopting, those experiencing financial stress) where members who have experiences or expertise can apply those talents in important ways.


HHPC believes the Scripture is clear that Christians should allocate their first 10% of income to the work of God’s kingdom.  This is pre-tax – the “first fruits” of what is already His – the tithe.  HHPC also believes this applies to all members.  In addition, God loves a cheerful giver, and as we know from Luke: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and form the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”  Therefore, particularly to those who have plenty, HHPC encourages those members to be generous with their “offerings”.  These members can apply their treasure to the work of HHPC and/or can contribute directly to our Partners ministry in which all gifts are distributed to ministries that HHPC has approved as Partners.  HHPC can accept cash, checks, investments with unrealized capital gains, etc.  Finally, HHPC has a separate Community Ministry fund for one-off investments that benefit the broader Kingdom (e.g., adoptions, benevolence, and other kingdom investments), and a Foundation overseen by members of HHPC that also have extensive management experience in finance and capital management that is expressly set aside for church planting and HHPC’s Partners. 


HHPC and its members have a unique opportunity to share its assets and facilities given its location in a highly sought-after vacation destination.  To that end, HHPC has maintains a list of “hospitality assets” that members make available to other churches, other ministries (e.g., RUF), missionaries, pastors on leave, visiting Partners, etc.  “Hospitality assets” include carriage or guest houses, additional cars, boats, conference rooms and facilities, golf club access, beautiful backyards or docks for parties and weddings, and so on.  This sort of practical generosity can make a huge difference to a person, family, or ministry that’s doing Kingdom work and needs a place to have an off-site, take a family vacation, or just take a break.

Finally, HHPC itself shares facilities, and HHPC opens its doors to any number of ministries (e.g., local Ministry Partners, RUF spring break trips, Campus Outreach teams, etc.) and hopes to continue to add to the list those that can benefit from our resources.