EQUIPHHPC is an education and training ministry that provides the church with biblical and theological instruction with a goal of teaching God’s people how to live a godly life, serve effectively in ministries of the church, and have a gospel influence on the world. This fills a gap between HHPC’s Gathered Worship ministry and Groups by exploring biblical and theological topics in depth with a view toward practical application and worldview formation. Through learning environments of various kinds, our church is trained in Bible and theology for the purpose of developing mature and equipped disciples of Jesus Christ.
CHRIST AND CULTURE: Biblical Foundations for Living in But Not of the World
What does the Bible teach about culture, and how should that affect the way we live today? Is the culture bad and to be avoided? Is any part of it redeemable--and if so, how do we do that? This four-week class is open to high school students and adults.
Taught by Ruling Elder Dean Curry and Pastor Eric McKiddie
Sundays in the Ministry Center Community Room | 9:30 - 10:15
March 23 - April 13
The Bible gives us over 50 specific commands in the New Testament alone on how to care for and treat one another. Join us as we dive into this important area of life. We will learn not only how to care for others but how to care for ourselves.
Taught by Harrison Spitler, Sami MacDonald, and Michael Craddock
Sundays in Ilderton Hall | 9:00a - 10:10a
March 23 - April 6
Equip Kids takes place on Sundays at 9:30 AM! Children pre-K through 5th grade are invited to continue on a Genesis to Revelation journey to see how all parts of scripture fit together. Our hope is that your child will find joy in learning the Biggest Story - God's story for us as we continue The Biggest Story Bible Storybook curriculum.
Join us on Sunday mornings as we study the New City Catechism and build important skills that will equip you for Middle and High School and prepare you as you head off to college.
High School and Middle School with Jim and Leslie Evans | 9:30 AM in the Student Center