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Try this, Sis!

  • Hilton Head Presbyterian Church 233 William Hilton Parkway Hilton Head Island, SC, 29926 United States (map)

A morning of encouragement, coffee, and favorite tips & tools 
Saturday, April 5

Coffee bar opens at 9:30AM. Activities begin at 10:00!  

Think about the last time a friend said “You have to try this!” As women, we are relationally designed for encouragement. Whether it’s relationship advice or a new brand of sheets, you can count on us to be ready to share. Visit our on-site coffee bar on April 5th and come prepared to share your favorite tips and tools – inexpensive (or free) things that make life easier and more fun! Let’s marvel together at how God has uniquely equipped women to enrich the lives of the people and places in our midst.  

When you register, you’ll be asked to (optionally) share what your “favorite tip or tool” is. We’ll be selecting a few winners to be revealed at the gathering on 4/5!  

Hosted by HHPC Women. Childcare is available for ages 4 and under. Please register your child(ren) in advance. 

Click here to register.

March 28


April 12

Easter Celebration