Real, lasting transformation comes through the renewal of our hearts. However, even if we know this, so often we don’t know how to engage our own hearts, much less engage the hearts of those around us. Our Pursue the Heart Workshop will equip you with the mindset and practical skills necessary to grow as a follower of Christ at heart level and to help others to do the same.
This class is a lot of fun, and incredibly relevant for all relationships - friendships, marriage, group leadership, and especially for discipleship relationships. We'll walk through both the theology and practice of how to use listening skills and question-asking skills to engage people in a way through which the Holy Spirit fosters heart transformation.
All are welcome. If you’re in a Community Group, Bible Study, or Journey Group, this is a great opportunity to grow together.
Dinner will be provided at 5:00 PM. Childcare reimbursements are available upon request.
Please R.S.V.P. by Sunday, March 2nd. Click here to R.S.V.P.
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